Friday, September 9, 2011

the itch

I'm sad about my lack of writing lately.  And I'm disappointed in myself for letting my blog fall by the wayside in the last month. There's something about fall that makes me want to write.  Maybe it's sweater weather or pumpkin spice lattes or the preparation of hunkering down in front of a fireplace with endless cups of tea, but whatever it is... it itches. 

I have a couple articles coming up for the Docket that will force me to sit down and really write, with a deadline, which will be good for me.  But I still want to write a book.  I have pieces of chapters floating around in my head (and my laptop), but I'm lacking direction.  And time.  I'm really lacking time.  It was fall last year when I made the decision that I wasn't meant to be a lawyer for the rest of my life and I needed to write a book - sooner rather than later.  A year later, I don't have a book... but I'm not a lawyer anymore, so I'm hopeful I'm moving in the right direction. 

Fall inspires me...  In a spring cleaning kind of way.  Maybe it's the whole going back to school sentiment.  Or maybe it's college football.  Regardless, I have a renewed sense that at the end of the day, I'm a writer.  I guess I just don't know what that means yet... which is more than I knew last year at this time.

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