Monday, June 27, 2011

reunion week

A good law school friend and his beautiful (now) wife got married over the weekend in the mountains.  It was the first time in over 2 years that almost all of our group was in the same room... And I was incredibly grateful to my newlywed friends for their emphasis on a casual, laid back celebration.  The guests drank wine during the ceremony, and our friend officiated, closing with "...and you may now tongue-kiss your bride."  It was hysterical.  I laughed.  I cried.  I partied. 

I wish I could tell you that "the more things change, the more they stay the same," but I would be lying.  The truth is things have changed, and nothing seemed the same at all.  While it was great to catch up with everyone, it was really hard to ignore how different each of our lives had become.  Those of you who know me only as the recovering lawyer, and only know my anti-law mantras, might be surprised to hear me say how much I miss law school... But I miss law school.  I really miss law school.  Two and a half years is a long time, and we're different people now than we were then.  Then, it was civ pro, admin, outlines, moot court and cheap beers till bar time at the Shadium.  Now it's babies, spouses, cases, clients, out-of-state jobs and early nights. 

As one of the few who stayed out till bar time after the wedding (for the record, the bride and groom did too), I was amazed by who wasn't there.  Our funny friend who performed the ceremony would have, in the past, led us till bar time with his antics, and we all would have met for brunch the next morning to discuss the shenanigans of the previous night.  Instead, after returning to town, I ran into him at the grocery store, dutifully buying the week's groceries.  He had retired early the night before and undoubtedly felt like a million bucks.  I, on the other hand, felt like three dollars and fifty cents and couldn't remember a time I had out partied him. 

The river we had all tubed down just three years before, when we seemed carefree and on top of the world, was flooded and raged through town.  I briefly considered drawing an analogy here between the rushing river and how quickly life seems to be flying by... but that would be cheesy.

Our ("for all intensive purposes") law school reunion made me feel old.  But to add insult to injury, my ten year high school reunion is this Saturday.  I can only begin to imagine next week's sentiments...

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it funny how we sometimes we love the journey, more than the final destination? Yet, while we were on the journey, we hardly appreciated it at all?
