Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Two-Part Tuesday

First, I have to begin with a Grati-Tuesday post.  I am extremely grateful for four wheel drive and my Wisconsin roots.  Blizzards in Denver aren't rare, but they do generally cause the entire city to freak out.  Fortunately, I know how to drive in snow and own extremely warm (yet horribly ugly) Ugg boots (like old school Ugg boots... made before they got all sorority girl).

Second, this article was passed along to me by a colleague, who said she "thought of me" when she read it.  I suppose it's safe to say I have been successful in "branding" myself, for better or worse.

Warning, like most of my "don't go to law school" rants... this one might be best enjoyed with an adult beverage...

ABA Scamblogging Article

It begs the question... if the ABA is so "aware" of the situation, then why aren't they pulling their heads out of their you-know-whats and doing something about it?

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