Monday, October 11, 2010

leave it to the lawyers... have an event on how to blog :)

So not only is the focus of my Docket article lawyers who blog, but Lawyer/Blogger Kevin O'Keefe is hosting a blogging event for lawyers!  (My use of this exclamation mark makes it official: I'm a dork.)

Granted, I'm new to the blogging scene... and admittedly, I have a different blogging motivation than a number of lawyers who are out there self-promoting and linking to important cases they have worked on (of course only those cases that have come down in their favor), but the more I research my upcoming article, the more I find that many, MANY other lawyers have done this first.  I shouldn't be surprised.  The practice of law is generally about not reinventing the wheel, and an often used phrase around the firm is: "There's a form for that."  Perhaps it's the reliance on form documents and pleadings that leads to monotony and the mundane-ness (I really want this to be a word... mundanity?) of the practice of law.

In grasping for the right word there, I am reminded of Eminem's segment last night on 60 Minutes and my awe of his way with words.  Regardless of whether you love him or hate him (I generally like him but can admit that he sometimes makes me cringe), you have to respect his mastery of the English language and the talent he has for "bending words."  Furthermore, I also genuinely appreciate Eminem's correct use of "enunciate," rather than "pronunciate."  Despite the fact that I just made up "mundanity" and "mundaneness," I have a general disdain for blended (not "bended") words: like guesstimate.  I don't care if it's been incorrectly used for long enough to make it into the dictionary...  that doesn't make it a real word. 

I have really digressed, so I'll stop here.  The point of this post was supposed to be that I am interested in meeting other lawyers who blog and getting the scoop on their practices or non-practices, as the case may be.  I also like that there will be beer, good beer.  For some reasons lawyers who blog also strike me as the type of people who appreciate microbrews, run marathons and have labradors retrievers...

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, that was a really good segment on Eminem! He read the dictionary...go figure. He looked like he could use some sunlight though, but that's neither here nor there. :)
